We are Retired, a Rant on Various Things

This blog is three years old now, and it has grown into something I never imagined. I never thought so many people would follow it and find it interesting, and I appreciate every one of you who read my posts. With a growing readership though, come emails with many questions about expat life and all things Panamanian.

I enjoy talking and getting to know new people. I like most of the emails. There are some I can’t answer though, and it would be helpful if people think about what they are asking of whom.

We are retired. I don’t know anything about working in Panama. I have heard various things but I have done no research myself. Don’t ask me about working in Panama (though I did run across this article from Expat Freedom that looks helpful).

I don’t have children here. I know nothing about schools in Panama.

We don’t live in Panama City. That is a different world, different costs, lifestyle, benefits and problems, and I know very little about it. I am happy to answer questions about Chiriqui Province, and some general questions about some other areas of Panama I have seen but I’m not the one with answers about Panama City.

We rent our house. I know very little about buying property in Panama. There is no substitute for “boots on the ground” and a consultation with a professional realtor.

It is helpful if you look for answers yourself first. Google is a great resource! Study a map of Panama. Look up information on visas. Read the links on my website. Don’t abuse the generosity of people on various forums and discussion groups. Be respectful of the many people on line willing to share what they know so read what has already been discussed, and try to find answers from the many sources available.

Oh, and while I am on a good rant, don’t ask to be my Facebook friend without sending me a message explaining why. If I don’t see a connection I won’t accept you without asking. And, I don’t want to hear “I love your profile so I want to be friends, because good friends are such a wonderful thing”. What is that all about?

OK, rant over. We now resume our normally scheduled programming of living the good life in Panama. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the spider webs are sparkling in the sunlight.

PS My husband says this is only a rantito. I don’t use caps or red text, or pound the table, or threaten to trash any offending emails on sight 😀

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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30 Responses to We are Retired, a Rant on Various Things

  1. Amen! Good rant!! Thanks Kris!!!


  2. I always enjoy your posts and it is great that you can address some of the silly questions that have nothing to do with you and explain that you cannot help them. Keep troddin on in your retirement and loving it!


  3. Rona True says:

    I never did understand why some people want to Facebook me when we have little or no connection in real life.


    • I can’t tell if they are trying to earn my trust so they can scam me later, or if they have nothing better to do, or what. I’ve tried to talk to a couple of them to see what’s going on but it never went anywhere except wasted time.


  4. Yes, a very mild rantito – but well-said! Working up to a rant myself on our blog.


  5. Kris! You are so right, and I often see people writing in with sundry questions as if they jwere Rip Van Winkle and emerged from a hundred-year slumber! And if they subcribe/read your blog, they should know that you’re a long way from ‘the city,’ especially after your bicycle-trip posts! Another inconsiderate request from others is when they know you’re in the ‘states and ask you to spend your time as their personal shopper that gives them a large line of credit. we all usually have our own bucket list of things we’d like to retrieve and take back in the limited luggage space/weight! if it’s an emergency, that’s ok, but if it’s strictlyy a ‘want,’ then be thoughtful and not ask.

    your post didn’t seem like a rant at all… rantcito is a great new word for my vocabulary – thanks to both of you!



    • Oh my no. Maybe if a friend needs something I can fit in, OK, but I’m not a shopping service. I’ve also had requests for time. Next time you are here we’ll have to get together and talk about Panama! No, I have little enough time with my family. Maybe if they aren’t doing what we are they just don’t realize how it is.


  6. tombseekers says:

    I am still amazed about the questions people ask- Where should we live? what kind of money do they use? where can I work? Is it easy to find a place to live in Panama? And I am really, reall amazed at the number who do no research or ask any questions whatsoever. Good rant! Hopefully the ‘right’ people will read, reread and absorb.


    • Probably not, but I have to put it out there once in a while anyway. Lately I’ve gotten one too many emails asking about work and that got me going. BTW, I remember you helping those people change dollars to the local currency 😀


  7. Haha! I love this rantito. I feel the same way. I have also been asked some the silliest questions…I may write a post called “Just Google It.”


  8. indacampo says:

    I told Eric as I was opening this to read that something must have set you off because you rarely “rant”. I have to agree with Joel, it was a “rantito” however, a very well written one. I almost have to say “Tag, you’re it!” because those of us that ACTUALLY LIVE HERE get so fed up with crap like that. Especially when most of us that ACTUALLY LIVE HERE did our own research and didn’t move here without at least one or several trips to get a feel for everything.

    We all have very busy lives and I don’t mind having coffee with a very select few that don’t come off as being lazy or crazy (I made a rhyme, look at me go!) or answering an email or two but don’t expect me to do all the work for you. And the forums and FB groups are full of people like that. And I save invitations to my house for people I actually know and have met not the lazies or crazies. Don’t pop in on me please, I have a life and things to do. And I still can’t get over the fact that many people who travel here think that life is one big fiesta for us here no, we ACTUALLY LIVE HERE.

    This of course is written with apologies to those lovely people that we’ve met who are actually lovely people and GET IT! 🙂 Rant on peeps!


    • What?? You don’t spend all day in your bathing suit sipping drinks with little umbrellas?! You do laundry and clean house and all that? I just get tired sometimes of people asking me things that are obviously outside of my experience. I know you know what I’m talking about. you’re better at setting boundaries though.


  9. ¡Me gusta tu “rantito”!


  10. Edie Baxter says:

    I’ve been following your blog almost the whole 3 years but I went back and started at the beginning and loved the video you made of selling your house and car in Florida. We moved to Alto Boquete last year and I’m still reading your blog and loving it. Joel is right about the rantito. He knows you are just too kind hearted to actually rant!
    As long as you keep blogging, I’ll keep reading,


  11. RJ says:

    I asked this once before but got no reply. I have heard conflicting stories about how much Spanish language is necessary to get by in Panama. I’m sure some of it has to do with location. Will some one please give me a hint how much Spanish is required to live in Chiriquí Province?
    Mucho Thanks,


    • I think that was your comment on the Three Years in Panama post https://blog.thepanamaadventure.com/2015/10/10/three-years-in-panama/
      This is what I said – It depends on where you are. Places with lots of expats and tourists like Panama City, Coronado, Bocas, Boquete will have more English speakers. Otherwise, in the rest of the country, you can expect to find few English speakers. You can get by, hire a translator as needed, but for me I need more than just getting by. I want relationships with my friends and neighbors, and I want to walk into any business without fear and frustration. I suppose it’s like living in the US and not speaking English. People do it but it’s hard, and harder in some places than others.
      As for Chiriqui Province, except for Boquete I think you will be isolated and frustrated if you can’t communicate in Spanish.


    • RJ says:

      Thank you very much. I didn’t see your first reply. Thank again.


  12. ME BE in Panama says:

    Boots on the ground is huge! I honestly cannot get my brain around 1) not researching Panama or 2) moving sight unseen. Really!? Adding to your rantito, I think it takes a special kind of crazy to pull that off. I love your neighborhood from your blog and meeting in person. After spending the few hours we did with you & Joel, we know we’d totally enjoy being your neighbors. Except for one thing… we’re wimps when it comes to extreme temperatures. So both David and Panama City got ruled out on this trip. I hope to return early 2016 for a Spanish immersion ☺️


    • Unfortunately some people believe what they read without checking out for themselves. It could work but it’s definitely a risk.
      We really enjoyed meeting you too! You should be able to find an elevation that is just right for you, and then we’ll come visit 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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