Let Me Google That For You

I happened across this cool site! https://lmgtfy.com/     It shows people how to do a google search. I know it’s kind of snarky but I still love it.


What kind of money does Panama use?

Is it hot in Panama?

Cool huh?

And, a couple favorites that bring quite a bit of traffic to my blog
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=crocodiles+in+Panama (why are so few people writing about crocodiles in Panama?)

http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Panama+Push+button (my push button post is always in the top ten posts visited today! Sex sells 😀 )

I participate on some forums and of course I have this blog, so I see and get asked questions all the time. It is unusual that a day goes by that someone doesn’t contact me about something. I enjoy talking with people and I’m happy to answer questions, but please don’t ask something that can easily be found with google or YouTube.

One forum moderator said that if he could find the answer in less than 15 seconds, he would kick out the person who asked 😀 I don’t think he ever actually did it but I understand the feeling.

So, if you see a snarky “let me google that for you” response from me or someone else, maybe that will remind you that the internet has tons of information that you can find yourself.

And, for those of you who want to see Panama through the eyes of people actually living here, which is an excellent idea that I totally understand, here is my list of Panama blogs.

http://www.panamaforreal.com/ Panama City and eastern Panama
http://www.panamadiaries.com/ Panama City
http://pty.life/ Panama City
https://blog.thepanamaadventure.com/ David
http://www.chiriquichatter.net/ David
http://www.anewlifeinparadise.com/ David
http://onemoregoodadventure.com/ Chiriqui (Boquerón)
http://hollycarter184.wordpress.com/ Boquete
http://tombseekers.wordpress.com/ Boquete
https://bobandsuzisperpetualvacation.wordpress.com/ Gorgona
http://www.ourthirdlifepedasi.com/ Pedasi
http://indacampo.wordpress.com/ Pedasi
http://panamadude.com/ Pedasi
http://time4panamaniacs.blogspot.com/ Panama City
http://panamaforbeginners.com/ Panama City, and general info for expats.
http://www.2RetireesinPanama.blogspot.com Chame and Coronado area
http://blog.wanderpanther.com/ travels all over Panama
http://panamajen.blogspot.com/ A peace corp volunteer in the Cormaca

and last but hardly least!

https://latitudeadjustmentblog.com/ Boquete

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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18 Responses to Let Me Google That For You

  1. Robert&Helen says:

    Did you know that in 1964 the minimum wage per hour was almost double in the USA compared to 2017. In 1964 3 silver quarter coins per hour is now about 15.-


  2. I’m thinking I’m going to have to plan a trip to Panama! 🙂


  3. Haha! This was a fun post. Thanks, Kris.


  4. jim and nena says:

    Or, instead of letting your fingers doing the walking, let Alexa Google it for you.
    I bought Echos for Christmas presents for the boys and me.
    Now when Nena asks me who was Tom Cruise’s 3rd wife, I ask Alexa.
    When the grands ask can you still whistle when you lose your voice, I ask Alexa.
    When I wonder why why they don’t ask Alexa directly, I ask Alexa. She responds,
    Sorry, I couldn’t find the answer to your question.


  5. Hey, what about Latitude Adjustment? 🙂


  6. Pingback: How to get answers…. – FindingMySelfinPanama

  7. Hi Kris — As an early Boomer, it took me a very long time to even remember that Google was a speedy option for answering any type of question. What really put me over the line was my interest in cooking. When I need a new recipe for ANYTHING — I consult Google first. I find an awesome recipe (usually more than one) every time.
    My husband turned me on to highlighting a word or phrase, right clicking it and selecting the “search Google for .. ” option. Really convenient tool. I use that often.
    I may not have been born with the “tech” gene but I can read and follow directions. HaHa


    • You are doing very well!
      I know what you mean about cooking. There is no need for cookbooks any more because there are a million recipes on line. There is information on just about anything you can imagine out there. It’s an amazing thing, this internet.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Tom Merriman says:

    How fun, Kris… I had to have a go! 😀


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