What’s For Lunch?

Some friends suggested it might be interesting to share some of our favorite meals. We are lucky to live in Chiriqui where so much fresh produce is grown. There are markets and vendors all over town, and our veggie guy knows what we like, picks out the freshest and best he can find, and brings it to our door every week. I have fought a life long battle with my weight so it’s important that I eat right, and fresh veggies are a big part of that.

Todays lunch is tuna salad. You can add or change anything you like but this is my usual mixture – celery, cucumber, tomato, mayonnaise, tuna, and limón.

Limón (lemon) can mean many things here. There are little green ones that look like key limes, bigger green ones that seem to be regular limes, green ones like this that are orange inside, sometimes with gray/brown odd looking patches on the skin, and yellow ones bigger than grapefruits to name a few types. The only ones I haven’t seen outside of Pricesmart are the yellow ones we are familiar with in the US. But, whatever type happens to be in my kitchen I want limón on my tuna salad because I think it tastes wonderful. My favorite are these green ones with orange interiors.

Here we are ready to mix it up. The cucumber was huge so I only used half. I also have avocado in the freezer I should get out. When they thaw they are soft and can be used with or instead of mayonnaise.

Lets eat!

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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8 Responses to What’s For Lunch?

  1. chugwa says:

    Hi Kris I really like reading your write ups they always have very interesting content especially for us newbys, thanks and keep up the great work. Doug



    I will try out you tuna salad recipe ! I am certain it will be delicious.


  3. Rudy Neufeld says:

    yes, i too am going to give it a try. But why in heaven’s name are you using canned tuna? I thought Panama’s Azuero Peninsula was a major fishing area for tuna.


    • We have great tuna here in Chiriqui also. I never thought of it for salad though. Fresh tuna is still a luxury for me to be served seared on the outside and pink on the inside with some creative sauce. Canned tuna just sits on the shelf until you need a lunch idea.

      We went to the fish market once but they didn’t have anything we wanted. Do you like tuna? They went to a big ice chest and started chipping away at the ice to reveal a 48 pound tuna! We bought the whole thing and split it with another couple, and had wonderful tuna steaks for a long time. I think at the time it was $2/lb. I suppose at that price you can make salad but there is nothing like a well cooked tuna steak.


  4. jim and nena says:

    Hola Kris,
    Nena visited a friend with an enormous pear tree and brought home bags of pears. She diced up a bunch and added it to the next sandwiches she made (I love tuna sandwiches). They were delicious! Now she is on the hook(!) to find pears for all future tuna sandwiches.


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