A Thousand Thank You’s

As I have accomplished my bicycle trip I have been so thankful and amazed by all the support, encouragement, congratulations, and good thoughts that have been sent to me. I appreciate each and every one of you who have helped me along the way!

Thank you Elza for being my biking partner for the first few days. You are just the BEST! You are young and strong and can bike rings around me, but you stayed by my side helping, teaching, supporting, and encouraging all the way. I didn’t have the experience or courage to set out on my own for my first extended trip, but with your help I got my act together and was able to successfully complete the rest of my trip. I will be watching your progress on your trip and wishing you all the best in everything you are doing along the way.

Thank you Steve and Martha for sharing your home with me in Playa Hermosa. It was great getting to know you and having such a comfortable place to take a break. Thank you for putting me up, for the great food, for the ride to the bus station, the tour of the area, and everything else you shared with me. I am looking forward to seeing you again when you are in our area.

Thank you Deb and Ron for giving me a home away from home on Ometepe, a magical place I quickly came to love also. Thanks for all the encouragement, for taking care of me when I arrived, and for being all around great friends. It’s wonderful to see you again and I am so happy to be here.

Thank all of you also, too many of you to mention – the fellow cyclists who have taught me and encouraged me, the friends who have supported me, the emails, Facebook messages, the blog comments, and the multitude of other ways you all have been here with me. Every one of you has helped me along the way.

If course the biggest thanks goes to Joel, my husband, who has always encouraged me to go for my dreams, whatever they are, no matter how crazy they may look! It is a beautiful thing to have a partner who gives you both roots and wings. I am a very lucky wife, and I appreciate you very much.

I will spend a couple more days here enjoying this wonderful place before I head home again, where life will continue. Who knows what other adventures and interesting things are in my future.

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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27 Responses to A Thousand Thank You’s

  1. Anonymous says:

    Whew, so happy for you Kris. And so happy you had a wonderful adventure.


  2. You are amazing, biking all that way, I would have dropped out the first day, cars, buses, airplanes, ferries, even oxcarts are more my mode of transportation. Buena Suerta for all your future adventures, I am sure you will have many more.


    • That’s the thing though, when you have so many cheering you along. You can’t drop out and before you know it, you have done it! Thanks for being among my supporters 🙂


  3. Lovely adventure you had and many more to come! Blessings!


  4. A thousand HUGS to you mi amiga. I know you have encouraged many people to pursue their dreams with your awesome and modest posts. YOU are the best!!!


  5. joeltc1 says:

    Reblogged this on FindingMySelfinPanama and commented:
    Kris made it! Now to get her back to me!!!! What tough trip, kudos for all the effort, courage and determination it demanded. Brava Kris!


  6. Hugo ernst says:

    While you may give thanks to us for the cheering we were doing from afar, I must say thank you, for showing us that as we all age, don’t give up, that we all can tackle and do what may seem impossible.

    A thanks to you Kris!



  7. Carole says:

    Safe journey home. Thanks for the inspiration to live life to the fullest. Time is gone before you know it, don’t regret what you could have done. I am sure you won’t have regrets, at least not this one.


    • Exactly! I think the things we regret the most are the opportunities we let go and the time will come all too soon when we aren’t able. Thanks for all the support and encouragement 🙂


  8. Laureen MacDonald says:

    You are not only an inspiration, you are also entertaining! Thank you for keeping us all updated on your adventures Kris…we enjoy learning about your travels, and your wonderful life in Panama :-).


  9. I am so proud of you! You’re a warrior! Z


  10. Sunni Morris says:

    You always have to follow your dreams and are never too old to try and accomplish them. Thanks for sharing your journey with us through all the beautiful pics and stories along the way.



  11. Linda says:

    Fantastic! Great job! 🙂


  12. oldsalt1942 says:

    You have become a hero and inspiration to a lot of people….many of whom you’ve never met, but they admire you for what you’ve done.


  13. antonio says:

    Hey im the chilena you saw un the road, im going to David un 3 days and i will like to visita you! I los tour email so hope you righte me. Try these 3 mails coz some i cant open them asziklai@hotmail.com asziklair@gmail.con asziklai@gmail.con por what would be great to add me con facebook, muy name there is delfín retamal, i will really like to stay at tour place, i need información from how to cross to colombia! Pleace right me c:


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