Travels, Family, Kids, and Babies

I am currently in the USA with family. I have lots of pictures of my grandson, the new baby, and other family and California things but we have been having too much fun to spend much time sorting photos and writing. But, little by little I will check in as time allows.

Today is about baby’s first bath! She’s a lovely, calm baby who spends quite a bit of time just looking at the world between naps. I can’t wait to see what she is like as she grows. Big brother is being very good with her and generally taking things in stride in spite of a new school, new sibling, and all the grandparents invading his peaceful home.

The baby is over two weeks old now, doing well and growing as expected. There has been regular washing up, of course, but people tend to wait a while before giving a newborn a bath in the water. Her delicate skin is still acclimating to the world.

So, this was the Sunday afternoon excitement but not by any means the only thing going on. I have a more photos of my grandson who is very active and provides a wealth of photo ops as he engages in his favorite games. I love my life in Panama but I’m also thankful that it allows enough disposable income to buy tickets to come back and visit my family! It is a very special time for all of us.

All that bathing can wear out a girl.

All that bathing can wear out a girl.

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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6 Responses to Travels, Family, Kids, and Babies

  1. Sunni Morris says:

    Very pretty baby. Congrats again, Kris.


  2. heidi says:

    congratulations to the grand-parents and parents! what a pretty little flower! enjoy!


  3. cAROLE says:

    Congratulations on the new Grand daughter. Love the way they washed her with the big petals around her, very creative. Enjoy your time in California with family.


    • Thank you so much 🙂 That bath thing seems to be the latest popular thing around here. It’s a foam pad in the shape of flower petals. My daughter got it from someone in one of her mommy groups.


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