Heading to the USA

Tomorrow I take a bus to Panama City, and Thursday I take a plane to California. I’m not sure if I will be blogging more because I have time on a bus or plane, or less because I’ll be with family and doing other things. But, either way it will be different!

It’s a bit complicated to travel to and from David. There are no direct flights from here, so you have to go to San Jose, Costa Rica or Panama City.  I haven’t tried the San Jose route. Planes are expensive and there are only three flights a week. Buses sound complicated with the border crossing, changing buses, etc. So far I have only traveled by way of Panama City. Planes are expensive too but less than San Jose, and there are morning and afternoon flights every day. Buses are easy and cheap (less than $20) and leave every hour, but it’s a 7 hour trip so if you take a flight the same day, it’s a very long day.

This is going to be a complicated trip with multiple destinations so I don’t need additional adventures. Flights to California were cheaper from Panama than from San Jose, so I’m going to Panama City by bus. I’m staying at the Eco Inn Avila in Panama City. I’ve been there a number of times before and they always take good care of me. The rooms are clean and comfortable. The WiFi works. They feed you breakfast. The last time I was there I had a very early flight out. The night clerk couldn’t find a taxi to pick me up so he called a friend to give me a ride, and made me cups of tea while I waited. Extra touches like that make you want to come back again.

I am headed to northern CA to see my older daughter, then southern UT to see a part of the country I’ve never been to (with camera in hand, for sure!), and then to Austin TX to see my younger daughter.  Thank goodness for email, phones, and skype which allow us to keep in touch frequently, but I haven’t seen them in person since June. Oh yes I am happy to be going!

I wonder how I will feel though, to be back in the US after living in Panama for 5 months.  This has come to feel like home so quickly, so easily.

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About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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22 Responses to Heading to the USA

  1. joeltc1 says:

    Have a nice trip, will be watching for your posts! XO


  2. Enjoy and good luck with everything


  3. marys55 says:

    Safe travels and enjoy the trip.


  4. Kathy says:

    Be thankful you aren’t trying to fly into winter storm Saturn! Now that would make your trip even more complicated. I am thankful to be in Florida while the rest of my family lives in the Northeast. They’re getting it today for sure.


    • allig565 says:

      Speaking of traveling and going to Florida, I hopefully can fly out of DC tomorrow first thing in morning to Key West (and why isn’t it warm there!). I have a wedding to attend Saturday. The bride’s flight was canceled for today (we are expecting eight inches in Stafford, VA area about 25 miles SW of DC).


    • Kris says:

      Oh yes for sure! I have no interest in seeing snow ever again, and it sure can jam up everything. We lived in Florida before coming here and winters there were plenty cold enough for me.


  5. allig565 says:

    Travel safe, Kris! Hope to hear from you but will understand if we don’t. Have a fun trip!


    • Kris says:

      Thank you, and good luck on your trip! I hope everything goes smoothly. At least Key West will be warmer than VA in a blizzard, so with any luck you’ll have fun and maybe see a couple of their amazing sunsets.


  6. Kati says:

    Have a safe trip and enjoy every moment with your family.


  7. buen viaja! i suspect you’ll have a bit of reverse culture shock. the glaze will have left your eyes, and you’ll be seeing things more clearly!

    i always loved walking through a superwalmart or large store. with mouth agape, i absorbed all of those items i have not seen in so long and new items i had never seen!

    have fun and enjoy time with your loved ones!


    • Kris says:

      Thank you 🙂 I think I won’t like how fast your money goes in the US, and I’ll miss everyone greeting you with friendly smiles. Shopping? Nah, we have pretty much everything you can imagine in David so I’m not missing much. My US shopping list is short – chili powder, things for my bike, and tic tacs 😀


      • i always enjoyed ‘staring’ and i loved going to the music section and seeing what’s new, and at some point ‘new music’ was something i bought before returning to the outback! ditto for good running shoes and jeans that fit!


      • indacampo says:

        LOL! Chili powder is on my wish list too! I can work without it but it is so convenient. Safe journeys!


      • Kris says:

        We seem to have pretty much everything in David, but not chili powder. A little bottle is $4.50! They have cajun seasoning, indian curries, all kinds of things but not chili powder.


  8. Anonymous says:

    Enjoy your time with your family Kris-stock up on all that TLC!


  9. Godspeed, Kris…..safe travels.


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