An Afternoon in Panama

I have decided that the hammock I bought at the fair is a good investment.


It is so easy to get caught up in things I think I should do. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon in my new hammock reading a book. OK, so it was a photography book to learn some software I have but still, I was sitting still and reading a book. What a pleasure!

While I was there I also watched the hummingbirds. At times there was quite an impressive number of them all circling around the feeder!

I felt the breeze blow, listened to the birds, watched some new birds soaring overhead, and felt more relaxed and mellow than I have felt in a long time. I need to plan some hammock time every day. It’s such a pleasure and eventually I might even make it through my pile of books. The rainy season should be coming soon and this looks like the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon. I think the Panamanians definitely have the right idea when it comes to making time to relax and enjoy life.

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About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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11 Responses to An Afternoon in Panama

  1. Your hammock is so colorful….what fun to relax in. you paint a beautiful picture with your words as well!


    • Kris says:

      I had trouble choosing a hammock because they are all so beautiful and colorful! The Panamanians really enjoy color in everything.


  2. allig565 says:

    Last time I was on a hammock (last week) was in El Valle and a bird pooped on me (my nose!)! Won’t stop me from laying on another one though! Looks lovely!


    • Kris says:

      I remember reading that! LOL So far I have not been pooped on so hopefully my luck will hold, because I plan to spend more time in the hammock.


  3. janna hill says:

    I just took a power nap while playing the video. Birds and breezes ahh…


  4. oldsalt1942 says:

    Panamanians love their hammocks, though most aren’t as colorful. As you drive around you’ll see hammocks slung under trees in the yards or on porches. They’re everywhere.

    I have hummingbirds that come to some of the flowering plants in my yard, but I want to attract more. I’ve looked around but have never found a feeder. Where did you get yours?

    BTW: a hummingbird is simply a bird that doesn’t know the lyrics.


    • Kris says:

      In our neighborhood I think it’s required to have at least one hammock on your porch or patio.
      I bought that hummingbird feeder at DoIt, in the garden / bird seed section. I’ve also seen them at Novey, also in the garden department.
      Ha! cute joke 😀


  5. indacampo says:

    The hummingbirds stopped coming to my feeder once the plants that they like started blooming. I was told if they have the choice between the feeder and the real stuff they’ll take the real stuff. I took it down because it was going moldy all the time. Beautiful video. Enjoy su hamaca tiempo!


    • Kris says:

      Our neighbor had a big hedge that flowered and the hummingbirds seemed to love that so they didn’t visit much. But, while we were gone she chopped the hedge down and now the birds are back at the feeder. I’m sure it’s healthier for them to have natural food but I’m happy if they want to supplement their diet at our house. (written from my hamaca under the bird feeder !)


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