Exhibition at the Art School

It has been summer vacation here, and the art school (Centro de Arte José Cáceres O.) where I have been taking painting lessons had summer workshops for the kids with all sorts of various activities like painting, music, dance, exercise, etc.

When I went to painting class on Thursday morning, lots of preparations were in progress for the exhibition.

Friday was the last day of the summer session so that was exhibition day. I thought I would just pop in for a moment, but we had such a good time that we stayed for a while. There was a lot of student work on display, as well as snacks, drinks, playtime, and a piñata for the kids.

Before you look at the work below, keep in mind that these are young kids. I know some are as young as four, and I think there are very few older than eight or ten.


Here are some of the students, and I think most of the youngest of them aren’t even in this photo.

I have seen the kids at class. I have seen them working, sometimes with as much paint on themselves as on the painting. I have seen the work in progress, and the gentle guidance and instructions of the professor, and encouragement to come back from the playground when they have burned off some excess energy. But, to see the final results beautifully displayed, even I was very impressed! I was happy to also get a couple photos of the artists posing with their work.

Thank you Maestro Víctor Aguirre Chirú for all the good work you have done with all your students.


People who don’t know much about Panama may be surprised to find out how much good stuff there is going on here!

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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8 Responses to Exhibition at the Art School

  1. heidi lilla says:

    fantastic! some kids are really gifted!


  2. Rona True says:

    What a great program! The joy of childhood really shines through in their work.


  3. oldsalt1942 says:



  4. This is great. The colors and the talent.
    If the painting with the two wine glasses and bottle of wine is for sale we might interested!


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