Must See Webinars about Residency Visas in Panama

We love our attorney. He guided us expertly through the whole residency process, and has done the same for many other expats who also love him. All attorneys are not equal, and it’s critical that you have a good one to avoid the many possible hiccups and complications that could cause more time, expense, and frustration.

Photo blatantly lifted from his website 🤓

Good People to Know in Panama

His website

Marcos contacted me yesterday to tell me about some upcoming webinars, and I have to share them here because I’m sure those of you considering Panama as your future home will find them useful and informative.

Friendly Nations Visa August 22nd, 1PM Panama time

Retiree/Pensionado Visa August 23rd, 1PM Panama Time.

So, now you know, so you can get registered. If you can’t make it, check Marcos’s website above for a lot of good information and then get in touch with him to start moving forward.

As a tourist (from most countries) you can stay in Panama for 180 days, but it’s much more complicated to impossible to live here long term as a tourist. It’s better for many reasons, including your peace of mind, to get legal.  I really appreciate Marcos and his team.

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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12 Responses to Must See Webinars about Residency Visas in Panama

  1. chugwa says:

    Beautiful write up once again Kris, Marcos is a wonderful person that helped us get all the legalities sorted for our residence.


  2. oldsalt1942 says:

    As you know, I had to repatriate to the states after eight years in Panama. My passport has expired, but I still fondly and proudly carry by cedula in my wallet. At the top of the card are the words
    (One doesn’t need to speak Spanish to figure out what that says…)

    I used to joke with the girls at Romero and Rey when I had to present the cedula in order to use my debit card that in MY CASE, the big blue “E” on the face of the card didn’t stand for “Extranjero” (Foreigner) but it meant “Extraordinario!!!”


  3. Frederick Shaw says:

    Thanks for this great post Kris. We also used Marcos for our Pensionado Visa and E-Cedulas. We were very happy with the attention of Marcos and his Staff. The personal attention and follow-up were done timely andwith professionalism. We highly recommend him!


  4. Anonymous says:

    We haven’t made the move there yet but he has been wonderful in providing the information needed and responding to my many questions!


  5. Arlee Weiss says:

    My partner and I are looking into the FNV and this was a very timely post! I’ve started going through your older posts but haven’t happened across a particular item yet… How necessary is a car when living in David? We’ve not decided on a location yet so I’m trying to balance the cheaper cost of living in certain areas with a possible lack of easy public transportation…
    Thanks in advance!


  6. Pete Becker says:

    How is the banking in Panama? Do you have to have direct deposit if you are retiring there on the pensioner program. And is it an international bank or local. We are within a year or two to moving down south. Just have to look at a couple parts of Mexico before we decide on final destination. I really enjoy reading your articles, please keep them coming. Best regards Pete


    • If you can maintain a US address and bank account that’s easy. Use a credit card or get cash from an ATM and pay bills on line. You really don’t need a Panamanian bank account. But, if you want one, you can also get direct deposit into a Panamanian bank account and manage your expenses that way. You can’t have direct deposit in a US bank though and have it show up in a Panamanian bank account. Even a bank with the same name is a separate entity.


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