Pedaling South – traveling on bicycles

Last week was a most interesting week! Part of this was a visit from Pari and Katie, two young women on an extended bicycle trip through Central America.

I met them on, a crowd funding site where I happened across their campaign to raise money for their trip. I thought their plans were exciting so I gave them a few $ and an offer of a hot meal when they came through David, and the rest is history.

We got to bike together! (just into town, but it was still really cool). If they had been biking on from here, I probably would have gone an hour or two down the road with them.

We got to bike together! (just into town, but it was still really cool). If they had been biking on from here, I probably would have gone an hour or two down the road with them.

These two young women started on March 20th in Mexico City. From there they went southeast to the Pacific coast, then northeast to the Caribbean coast, and then southeast again into Belize. They continued southwest into Guatemala, then east to Honduras and south into El Salvador. From there they went east across a bit more of Honduras to reach Nicaragua. Then, they proceeded down the southwest coast of Nicaragua with a side trip to Ometepe Island before making their way into Costa Rica. They biked down the southwest side of Costa Rica and into Panama, where they landed at our house in David.

Whew! It’s something to just write about, let alone pedal all that distance. And, they also carried everything they needed on their bikes including a tent and inflatable mattresses for camping.

I love my bike, and I love how you can see things differently in the open air. Could I, at my age, ever make a trip like this? I don’t know, but I am definitely inspired to bike more and travel more. These gals are only 24 and they are having such an experience, and are so confident and capable. The original purpose of the trip was to investigate climate change in various countries, but they told me that empowering women has become an even greater area of interest. I agree that the subject is hugely important, and these are two very empowered women who would have a lot to say on the subject.

Here’s just a bit of video as we saw them off. Because of all the construction and heavy machinery on the road between David and Santiago, they decided to be safe and ride the bus to Santiago.

They mentioned Warm Showers, a website where traveling cyclists and hosts can find each other. I am going to sign up. I think people who travel are interesting, and people who travel on bicycles are very interesting! I would like to meet more of these people.

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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23 Responses to Pedaling South – traveling on bicycles

  1. John & Susan says:

    Good for them! And you for hosting them!


  2. oldsalt1942 says:

    Good for them!!! I am a great advocate of going out and having your adventure while you’re young(er). Everyone in their teens and twenties, even in their early thirties, has a dream of some adventure they’d like to have, but they defer it for one reason or another. The with adventure dreams when one is young waiting “until the time is right” is that they never see themselves down the road having arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems, failing eye sight, all the things that make that dream adventure come true. Do it while you can…NEVER say, I wish I hadda’!!!


    • oldsalt1942 says:

      The problem with adventure dreams…


    • I totally agree. I’ve seen enough elderly people in their wheelchairs, and I don’t want to be one of them wishing I had done things when I could. I’m not that young but I’m doing whatever I can asap. Those girls though, oh yes, a fantastic adventure!


  3. Steve Muse says:

    It seems like you all had a great time, How nice of you and Joel to host them. Meeting and getting to know new friends is always great.


  4. Pathway To Portugal says:

    Hooray for you Kris for being so hospitable! What a great adventure they will have to look back on their entire lives. I must admit I’m a dreamer too and admire anyone who does this. Thank you for a wonderful post.


  5. Loca Gringa says:

    I LOVE that you cycle. Thinking of finding myself an old bike here and painting it up 😉 won’t be so irked if it gets stolen … grrrr.


  6. I think almost everyone would make the same choice


  7. Linda says:

    Such a fun post Kris. I love how easily you make friends. You are a bit of an angel there in Panama! 🙂


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