Thank You

You all are the best blog readers. I love your comments and participation, and I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting quite a few of you when you come to this area. Some of you all have also taken the trouble to send some money my way.

I’m an affiliate with Panama Relocation Tours, so if you use my link (, I get compensated which I really appreciate. Last year it covered all my website/blog hosting costs, and this year it’s on the way to doing that again.

We didn’t take a relocation tour because we were quite clear on where we wanted to settle, and we had some good friends who helped us along the way. But, since then, I’ve heard more and more about the relocation tours. The feedback I’ve heard both personally and on social media has been overwhelming positive, and the tours have become so popular that they are booked months in advance. People love seeing the many different areas, meeting their fellow tour participants, and getting tons of valuable information along the way. Jackie Lang organizes the tours, and her numerous informative articles on the website and her input in forums and social media seem to me to be sensible and accurate. If you have questions about Panama it would probably be well worth your time to poke around the website. Maybe start with the Living in Panama section and scroll down to the articles.

I just got an email informing me of another payment, but this time I think I’ll pass it along to someone who needs it more than I do. Health care is very good and inexpensive here, but not free. One of our fellow expats and a fellow musician had a terrible fall with bleeding in her brain. She had surgery to remove a large blood clot and is now coming off days and days of sedation to allow her brain to recover, but her future is very uncertain. Her husband and friends would appreciate not only the financial support, but the emotional support of knowing others care. The GoFundMe page is HERE

There is an overwhelming amount of suffering in this world but people we know personally, of course, touch us the most. You all don’t know this person, but she was my nursing supervisor and coworker in Florida and now she is fighting a battle for her life against pancreatic cancer. It breaks my heart to see her go through all this. She never thought at her young age that she would need anything but a typical bathroom, but now she needs something safe and suitable for a person with a walker who can stand for only short periods. She has asked for so little, but this is one thing that would really help her. Her Facebook page is here and she is using PayPal  I know that’s a crazy looking link, but the process is super easy.

This post has gone a bit afield of the Thank You I started with, but when I think about all the blessing I have it seems only right to share where I can, even if it’s just a tiny bit.

The main plan for this post though was to thank all of you for your support, for taking the time to read, participate, and comment, and for spending some time with me in person. When I started I never imagined this  blog would be such a thing, and that it would reach so many people. I appreciate all of you who have made this possible.

I wish all of you a healthy and happy life! It’s a privilege not given to many.

About Kris Cunningham

We live in David, Chiriqui Provence, Republic of Panama! This blog is about some of our experiences in our new country.
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4 Responses to Thank You

  1. Rob Johnson says:

    I just stumbled on to your site and immediately signed up for the email. My family will be moving to Panama in May. We are particularly interested in the western part of the country and plan on renting for a few months first, but I read that you have to have a lawyer to go through the residency application process. A lawyer in Panama City said he would handle everything for 13,000 dollars! I was shocked. Is it really true that you have to have a lawyer, and if so what should a reliable and inexpensive lawyer cost?

    Rob Johnson


  2. Thank you Kris. We love your inspiring posts and it keeps our dream alive.


  3. You are very welcome 🙂


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